Tuesday, December 30, 2008

"Now, read this..."


If you're not on "The Hunger Games" hold list, get on the bus ASAP!!!

Finally picked it up last night after days of ignoring it as "homework,"

(Sorry Lynn!)

and read & read til my neck was good & cramped.
Sad to say, only a few pages to go...

Yep, it's that good.
P.S. Happy New Year!!!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

A Very Merry COLD XMAS to You...

"What if Christmas, he thought, doesn't come from a store.
What if Christmas, perhaps, means a little bit more?"
-- Dr. Seuss

Wherever art thou, teen bloggers (hint, hint),
I shall keep this short & sweet
(kind of like me! he, he)


And, my gift to you,
should you aim to get in touch w/ your inner child over break...

"I Wanna Be Your Shoebox" by Cristina Garcia--
a lovely speed read that'll make you wanna hug your grandpa
(& perhaps purchase a new pair of shoes!)
Other Advice? Read, eat,
& sleep lots,
then BLOG!
I expect recommended reads upon the New Year...

Friday, December 12, 2008

I can't sing a lick, but...

"Happy Birthday to You, Happy Birthday to You..."
Yep, unless I'm mistaken
(& it wouldn't be the first time)
Today is a certain sweet somone's
big 13
So, Happy Birthday, S.P. from all your library girls!!!
And, if you've got a minute between now & 1/31/09,
check this out:
& cast your vote for the best reads of the year. I'd like to, but...
alas, I'm too old! So, rate those teen reads for me! :) out:

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Book Love

Hey, gals (& guys?) I realized after the fact that while we were sharing
recent (GOOD) reads, I forgot to share mine:

"Torn to Pieces" by Margot McDonnell --
picked it up randomly one night, & couldn't put it down...
a great mystery w/ pretty goovy characters.
Me thinks y'all would like!

Another top pick (since I'm feeling generous) is a recent staff pick:
"Little Brother" by Cory Doctorow...
lots of action, nice tight plot, (& even a little romance) --
a sure hit with the mathematically minded. :)

FYI: I just put "Amazing Grace" on hold (ur right, we don't have it)
but if it's as good as you claim, perhaps I shall remedy that!

Last but not least: Thanks for coming yesterday --
Tons of fun to trash

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Twilight: the movie

Seen it yet? Thoughts?
I'll keep mine to myself 'til there's word from your end...
Don't forget Teen Group next week
(same time, same place)
Christmas Crafts & Treats!!!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Just Had to Share

I'm actually home at the moment, curled up with a good book (ha, ha--you guys are in school!) and I just wanted to pass along a book pick-of-the-week, lest I forget later with all the Turkey Day Hoopla...

And the winner is: Impossible by Nancy Werlin.
'Bout 1/2 way through, & it's reminding me a lot of a Magic or Madness
for a slightly older crowd.
So, naturally, I thought it might appeal to u guys 2. :)
Also, Happy Thanksgiving in advance. & no worries, I'll feel bad about those birds for ya, and most definitely not eat them!!!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Hello, Anybody Out There?

So, our first knitting group was a tad on the small side, but nevertheless a simply smashing success! FYI: I expect to see the rest of you @ our next meeting on
Wed. Dec. 10th
(yes, DECEMBER!!! can you believe it???)
No meeting next week courtesy of turkey day (I'll feel sorry for them as the rest you u eat 'em), then after that, the little people take over for Crafty Kid fun.
HOWEVER, please note that a personal invitation has been extended specifically to Teen Group members who would like to volunteer--open "shifts" include
Tues 12/2, 3:30-5
Wed 12/3, 3:30-5
(your favorite teen librarian will be there!)
Thurs. 12/4, 2-4PM
We know you have class, so no show / no mad. :)
FYI: Haven't seen Twilight yet, so not a word people--not yet!

Friday, November 14, 2008

We Shall Be...

Cool Quote Alert:
" Knitting is very conducive to thought. It is nice to knit a while, put down the needles, write a while, then take up the sock again."
~ Dorothy Day
(turn of the century feminist, social activist, reformer, & journalist--
cool, eh?)
WED NOV. 19, 4:45-5:45
So, bring supplies if you've got 'em,
& I'll bring the books! :)
Reading Recommendation of the week:
Derby Girl by Shauna Cross
(which we were gonna read together a while back...!)
Anyhoos, it's great--totally tongue-in-cheek snarky,
the perfect anti-chick chick lit!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Gripe of the Day

It's getting like way too cold, way too fast!
And, in other more exciting news, you guys wanted a list of hot new books?!?
I worked hard on this ol' thing, so feel free to put it to good use!
(Note how it all begins with Love and Peaches)
I'll plan to update this once a month or so, then give ya the link when new goods are replaced with even newer goods!
Lookin' forward to learning to knit w/ a few fellow library chicks!

Friday, October 31, 2008

HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!! (among other things)

Shadows of a thousand years rise again unseen,Voices whisper in the trees,
"Tonight is Halloween!" ~ Dexter Kozen
First, a howling thanks to you, those who came to this week's little 'ol Halloween Hoopla event.
It was fun!
And, yes, it's true, we do have Teen Group next week,
on Wed. Nov. 5th, from 4:45-5:45 in our usual digs (aka: storytime room) to be specific. :)
On the agenda:
(1) Teen sponsored holiday collection drive--we gonna do it?
Here's why I'm interested: http://www.rmhcmadison.org/.
But, potential recipients abound, so...we'll chat!
(2) No talk of Twilight--can we do it? I'll bring a new book to recommend.
(3) Are we gonna be chicks with stix, knitting soon?
Wanna see something new...???

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Reading...It Rocks!

"The eyes see only what the heart lets them."
-- from "Frannie in Pieces"

"Huh?" you ask?

Why, it's my favorite quote from this week's (reading) recommendation:
Frannie in Pieces by Delia Ephron.

To be honest, I wasn't eager to read it, being that the author is an adult chick-lit book/film writer, but...was curious about the quality of her first teen reads attempt. Didn't dig it at first, I think 'cuz the 15 yr. old narrator's way to mean to her mom...Then I remembered that yours' truly--who has the world's most wonderful mother--was one rotten apple way back when, & suddenly, I could empathize.

At any rate, it's a good girly read, one that includes a little romance, lots of drama, artistic intrigue, & a fascinating mystery that proves to be a bit of a puzzle...

Random related fact: Delia Ephron also wrote the screenplay for the
Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants movie, so if ya enjoyed that...

Note: I'll be hooking up withy my mom this weekend for a
Vegas (etc.) vacation &, I'll be giving her a BIG hug, first thing! :)

Thursday, October 2, 2008

A Vow To Do Better

"Action expresses priorities." -- Mohandas Gandhi

Ok, I admit it. I've been blowing off this here blog a bit (but I'm not the alone one-hint, hint!). So, with the exception of a brief time out during my upcoming vacation, I've decided on the best course of action: a weekly reading recommendation, brought to you by yours' truly--ME!

Today's pick?

How to Build a House by Dana Reinhardt,

a rather fine novel about family, friends, & forgiveness; gettin' out, & growing up; and, last, but not least, everyday teens who think outside the box, build a house (seriously!), & make a difference. Sounds wretchedly cliche, I know, & perhaps it is, but still...as the story unfolds, it's hard not to simply sink into it.

Of additional note:


WED 10/08, 4:30-5:30 PM

I know we agreed to start meeting @ 4:45--which we will do after this one last 4:30 meeting

(it's been on the calendar as such for months, so...)

(No worries, we'll probably run late anyways!) :)

Monday, September 22, 2008

Library News (& a little "gossip") :)

"Love goes toward love, as schoolboys (or girls!) from their books...''
-- from "Romeo & Juliet"
Everyone's favorite Head of Youth Services, frequently referred to as "Miss Lynn," got hitched last weekend. Henceforth, she is forever more known as (you guessed it) Mrs. Montague!
So, be sure to stop by the children's desk the next time your in town, & tell her that you heard she was a beautiful bride.
She was!
The "next time your in town" should be this Wed. 9/24 @ 4:30PM for the return of
Teen Group! I'm guessing that we shall talk trash, Twilight, and more...
See ya then!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Did You Know...

...that The Muppet Show premiered exactly 32 years ago today? Or (oddly enough) that Scooby Doo premiered on the very same day in 1969? So, should y'all ever need be privvy,
it's a fact: Scooby the sleuth is older (& wiser?) than Kermit the frog.
On an unrelated note, since you were kind enough to ask...
We'll meet in from 4:30-5:30 PM in the storytime room as usual. I'll bring the snacks (& probably a book I'll try to convince you to read w/me...). You guys just bring your sweet selves--& any other interested fellow book geeks.
In the meantime, check out "Dead is the New Black," the first of a recently added series by Marlene Perez.
If you like vampires, werewolves, psychics w/ a dash of humor,
it just might tickle your fancy...
I thought it was fun @ any rate! :)

Thursday, September 4, 2008

News (Briefs)

"Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school."

~Albert Einstein

(Meaning: School's important, I won't argue that, but don't stress too much now that you're all busy as bees again! One must always make time for a little R & R (aka: rest and relaxation)

(and a good book!)

Re: that "good book," lots of 'em coming in these days as a certain librarian's been on an ordering frenzy. If you've caught wind of any new goodies, I'd love suggestions!

On that note, I've got one, be you in the mood for more vampiric I just read a teen-friendly "adult" book that you might enjoy. It's called The Society of S by Susan Hubbard. I was enticed to read it by the cover art, which bears an uncanny resemblence to Eclipse. Good marketing scheme, eh?

FYI: Sunday is "Grandparents Day" so if you've got anyone special--give 'em a call, a hug, or both!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Vampire Bites

Ok, gals (& guys?) I finally finished up my rather belated devouring of Breaking Dawn, and the verdict is...
I have to be honest...
One thumbs up--&, yes, one thumbs down
(I can hear you yelling now, but as someone once said, "honesty is the best policy," right? :)
What I liked:
  1. Bella kicked b*tt
  2. She didn't eat her dad
  3. She got to "keep" both her boys
  4. She's matured (no more whining!)
  5. But, above all, as always, our dear Edward :)

What I didn't:

  1. It all seemed to wrap up a tad too neatly
  2. The whole weird Jacob middle book thing
  3. That even weirder sci fi Rosemary's Baby thing (creepy gross!)

Still, it was grand to hang with the Cullen crew & friends again--can't beat that!

Your turn--time to comment away!

P.S. Have fun at school Tuesday! :)

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Breaking News

Just a friendly update from your local frazzled teen librarian--I'm finally, finally almost done with Breaking Dawn, so we can dish soon. Also, I hope you all are enjoying these final weeks of summer. Rest up & enjoy a few fluffy reads before homework resumes (which, by the way, I am finally, finally finished with FOREVER!
Alas, I can no longer share in your pain.
Sorry (not!)

P.S. I'm also finally getting around to order some fresh goods--keep an eye on the newbie shelf!

Monday, August 18, 2008

I'm still here (just not reading quite yet!)

Greetings & Salutations, my readerly people!
Just wanted to let y'all know that Breaking Dawn has, at long last, finally made it into that old backpack of mine, & I aim to read it before the week's out.
Scouts honor! :)
Looking forward to lots of fantastical blog discussions--& a real lively chat when book group resumes next month...

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Calling all Summer Readers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi'ya all!
Just a quick reminder that this Sat. 8/9 @ 5:00 is the very final moment to turn in tickets for the summer reading raffle and Extra Challenge 'cuz we'll be drawing for prizes come Wed...
So, get 'em in!!!
And, I'll give ya a holler when ya win!!!
FYI: I'm avoiding your comments like the plague 'til I, too, have a chance to read Breaking Dawn, lest one of you slip & let the cat (or wolf) outta the bag. Summer school's almost over, and I've been looking forward to my treat for far too long!
(Thanks for your patience--and I promise that we'll dish soon!)

Friday, July 25, 2008

Gotta LOVE that Sunrise...!!!

(so, if ya don't come, i can think of one librarian who retains the right to give ya
the old Twilight series silent treatment!) J/K :)

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Kiki Strike: Read it or else!

Have any of you read Kiki Strike: Inside the Shadow City yet? If not, you might want to check this book out. It's one of my new personal favorites. If New York City, quirky super-spies, secret passages, advice on how to kick butt, and a group of crime-fighting delinquent Girl Scouts sound like fun, this might be the perfect read for you.

Also look for the sequel, Kiki Strike: The Empress's Tomb for more of Ananka, Kiki, and the Irregulars' adventures.

If you loved Kiki Strike as much as I did, or if you have an eye for all things weird, check out Ananka's Diary. This blog is updated almost daily by beloved Kiki Strike author Kristen Miller. She shares stories and pictres of strange sights and urban legends. If you like all things funky and bizarre, this might be a fun place to look from time to time.

Have you read anything interesting recently. Please share your favorites with us... Just hit that "comments" link under this - or any - post in the blog.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

"Calling All Gamers...!"

A Gentle Reminder from Yours' Truly:
WED. 7/23
(as in one week from today)
2:30-4:30 PM
U Know the Drill--Come One, Come All; Bring Your Buds,
& feel free to wear your old, comfy duds...
Ok, so my poetry skills need a little work...
BIG :)

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Teen Booklists Online!

Hello all! This is a new voice speaking to you from over at the Children's Desk. Just wanted to let you all know (if you haven't found it already yourself...) that we're working on putting some lists of great teen books on the library's website. Check it out at:


Check these out if you're ever stuck for ideas on what to read next, or if you need inspiration to find the perfect book to help you finish up that extra challenge for the Teen Reading Raffle! Right now we have lists dealing with:

Historical Fiction
Biographies and Memoirs
Multicultural Books

And more are on the way! Keep your eyes open for more lists to be added to the website soon.

Don't forget that each and every one of these booklists - along with a few others that we haven't had the chance to put on the website yet - are also available in print form at your favorite local library to check out while you're browsing the stacks. (Take a look especially for a list of books that might hold you over until Breaking Dawn comes out in August!) Your friendly librarians are also always available to help you find more books too - we love sharing our favorites with you!

Happy Reading!

Friday, July 11, 2008

Think Ink?

I'm curious--what did y'all think of the henna program yesterday? Feedback would bo oh-so-groovy!!! Also, appreciated? If any of you would feel oh-so-inclined to stop in & let me check 'em out...
See ya in a few weeks @ Open Gaming. In the meantime, happy reading! :)

Sunday, July 6, 2008

"Brought to You By..."

Guess what? Our resident Henna artist just left my apartment. She kindly came to show me a few of the example designs she's working on for you all, and might I say--sweet, very, very sweet! She's really going the extra mile, so I hope y'all can come! Of course, if ya don't, then I suppose she'll have time to adorn yours' truly quite nicely from head to toe...! :)
FYI: Finished The House of Dance. 2 thumbs up (when you're in the mood for a reflective read)! Also read a new one called Me, the Missing, and the Dead--quirky, & I definitely recommend.
Currently playing in this here librarians living room:
**Code Talkers: A Novel About the Navajo Marines of World War Two,
The Alchemist: The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel, AND
Before I Die
Just couldn't make up my mind which one to start with, so am playing them in rotation. :)
**Is my fave so far 'cuz I'm learning a lot! Of course, I also have books scattered about, so I'll keep u posted as I continue to my seasonal lit. gorge!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Henna Luv

In case you're curious...
HENNA: a dye that is made from the dried leaves and petioles of a plant (Lawsonia alba) & used in body art (source: http://www.ethnicityonline.net/hindu_glossary.htm)
Henna @ the Library!!!
Thursday July 10th at 3:00 PM
Bring your friends--but remember--first come, first serve, with a "maximum capacity" of 30...
You'll leave adorned with beautifu body art, the chance to leaf through funky books, & a taste for tunes that hail from India...
In the meantime, keep those raffle tickets coming!
Currently on my audiobook playlist: Hattie Big Sky by Kirby Larson
For fans of tough, independent chicks, historical fiction
Also reading: The House of Dance by Beth Kephart
Reaction so far? A little depressingly uplifiting, but I'm inspired to take that dance class...
What are you reading???
See ya a week from tomorrow!!!!!!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

FYI RE: Teen Group

Hello Fellow Readers!
Just wanted to let you know that we'll be having our lone summer simple Teen Group Book Chat this Wed. June 25, from 2:30-3:30 in the storytime room. I'm thinking we'll keep it casual--just us & our beloved books, so feel free to bring recommendations for others'.
In fact, I encourage you to do so! I, for one, am as nosey as all get out, and want to know what's caught your eye as of late...
On that note, a few new titles soon to hit the paperback spinners...
Check 'Em Out!
Fendi, Ferragamo, & Fangs (think Gucci clad vampires...)
Breaking Up is Hard to Do
Loving Will Shakespeare
Why I Let My Hair Grow Out
Love in the Corner Pocket
**Two Way Street
Crazy in Love
Two Moons in August
La Petit Four
Goddess Games
**Beautiful City of the Dead
How To Ruin My Teenage Life
If I Have a Wicked Stepmother, Where's My Prince?
Goy Crazy
Dead Connection
Hail Caesar
The Geography of Girlhood
**Killing Brittany
(I'm gonna start this one before the meeting, so I can give ya a "yay!" or "nay!"
See you soon!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

"Extra, Extra, Read All About It!"

Having been asked, "What's the Extra Challenge," I feel encouraged to oblige...
The EXTRA CHALLENGE is my gift to you--or, at the very least, the fulfillment of popular Teen Group request...
An additional teen reading raffle, the prizes awarded (gift cards of various denominations) to only 3 the most ardent of readers...
The requirements as determined by yours' truly, & you can pick up the booklet at the Children's Desk starting Monday June 23. And, and answer to anticipated questions, the rules are simple...
You'll recieve a ticket for each completed entry (or challenge) after it's completion is "certified" by one of your friendly local librarians. Complete as many as you wish (there are 10 total) and in any order that tickles your fancy, then plop your ticket into the EXTRA CHALLENGE raffle box.
It's easy beans!!!
And, yes, you can participate in both raffles, but we'' be periodically checking those tickets, so no doubling dipping titles!
You wanted a challenge?
Well, I expect ya to be reading then--& enjoying it to boot!
Books are good. :)
Any questions, ask away. You know where to find us! :)
See ya tomorrow @ 2:30 for our latest afternoon of Open Gaming fun!

Friday, June 13, 2008

"School's Out for Summer...!"

Happy Summer Break, Ladies & Gents!!!
Our annual teen summer reading program kicks off June 23rd...
So, you can start turning in those raffle tickets for each GLORIOUS book read on that very day!
Also available?!?!
Why, the highly anticipated (& deservedly so!) EXTRA CHALLENGE, of course.
All materials will be ready for pick up at the children's desk, conveniently located but a short distance from lots and LOTS of great YA books.
Let the reading begin!
(C'mon, I'll race ya...)

Monday, June 9, 2008

"I Promise..."

"Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it!"
-- Henry David Thoreau
I trust you folks as are busy with finals and/or end of year yearbook signing fun as we are prepping for the upcoming summer reading program FUN?!?!
(If not, I'll have to feel terribly guilty for my "blogerly" silence. Not too terribly guilty, of course, for we're slaving away for our communial benefit here!) :)
FYI: NO Teen Group this week due to summer program scheduling stuff, BUT...
Save this date: Wed. June 18th, 2:30-4:30PM
Open Teen Gaming!!!
No School! Warm Weather! Cold Drinks! Bring Your Friends!
(I'm enjoying those exclamation points. Can you tell?!) :)

Thursday, May 29, 2008

New Digs

Greetings all!
Just a quick FYI: At this very moment several librarians are hard at work starting the slow process of improving our Teen Space. Check it out next time you're in the 'hood!
(It already looks good!)

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Where Are You Guys?!?!

4:30-6:30 PM

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Post Script

And, speaking of...

We all know that Breaking Dawn arrives Saturday August 2nd, 2008, so...

Guess what we'll be doing Friday August 1st? Why, celebrating in high style, of course! Think pre-release bash, complete with a little gaming, a lot of competition (friendly, of course), prizes, and junk food galore. Better still? This teens only event (well, teens only, plus a couple of not so stodgy librarians) will take place from approximately 6-8 PM after everyone else has gotten the boot. Alas, it won't be dark, but it's still after hours, and we can always wear black. Hopefully, we'll also still be sporting some hot henna! (I think I want a scareb to match my ring!)

Was gonna mention the party to ya'll last week, but was so entranced by your bookmaking skills that I kinda forgot. Hope you all had as much fun creating as I had witnessing creation.

See ya next week (open gaming anyone?)

Breaking News! (Get it?)

"Go girl, seek happy nights to happy days." -- William Shakespeare
First, my apologies for such blogging infrequency. What can I say? Prepping for summer reading (& planning my own!!!) is fairly time consuming. My plan--to order tons of books for ya'all (and, admittedly me too). Unfortunately, I recently turned in a BIG pile of order cards, but totally spaced posting the titles for you. Oops, my bad. A few off the top of my head...
"Genius Squad" (sequel to "Evil Genius")
"Mercy on These Teenage Chimps" (a comedy, betcha could've guessed)
"Streams of Babel" (psychological thriller)
"Found" (sci fi / fantasy; time travel)
"Sunrise Over Fallujah" (war story by one of my fave writers)
"The Boy Who Dared" (fiction based on true holocaust events)
"Climbing the Stairs" (historical romance--ahh, love...)
"Down to the Bone" LGTB
"All I Know of Heaven" (best friend saga by local famous author!)
"Madapple" (murder, mayhem, & miracles--looks very, very intriguing)
"Cathy's Key" (sequel to Cathy's book)
"Fancy White Trash" (love story w/ a heroine named Abby!!! I call dibs!)
"Vampire Kisses"
...and lots, lots more, including a crop of vampiric lore to tide us over 'til Breaking Dawn...

Monday, May 12, 2008

Vampire Love

“There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle.

The other is as though everything is a miracle.”

— Albert Einstein

That Einstein was one cool dude! A Genius and a Humanitarian.
gen·ius (adj): extraordinary intellectual and creative power
hu·man·i·tar·i·an (n): One who is devoted to the promotion of human welfare and the advancement of social reforms; a philanthropist.
* * *
vam·pire: A reanimated corpse that is believed to rise from the grave at night to suck the blood of sleeping people. (Note: probably not to be confused with a humanitarian, and it definitely does not fit my vision of Edward!!!)

FYI: The red is to remind myself to remind you to remind me (How's that for a mouthful, and a rather ironic one at that?!) that I've got some Breaking news to share with ya'll on Wed., so don't neglect the book making celebration, you here? :)

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Guess What I Did Today...

"An artist has no home in Europe except in Paris."
-- Friedrich Nietzsche

After a little yoga accompanied by Chris Crutcher's Deadline playing away on my old-fashioned boombox (which is a rather intriguing book by the way) I gathered up photos & other various pieces of memorbilia from last year's Parisian trek. Why, you ask? Because this coming Wed. I'm finally going to get around to making that scrapbook, and I can't wait!!! So, just wanted to suggest that you find some cool stuff of your own & get creative with me when we've got a real, live artist @ our disposal! :) Oh, and try, try, try to bring a friend. It's gonna be too cool school, and we ought to be willing to spread the wealth.

Up next on my readerly agenda: Spanking Shakespeare (which I'm told shall truly tickle my funny bone. I'll keep ya posted. W

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Quick Hello & an FYI

"The road to knowledge begins with the turn of a page." -- Anonymous
This'll be quick since it's getting near time to close up shop, but I wanted to say thanks! For what, you ask? Well, for laughing like mad in the stacks, and turning me onto Sue Limb's Girl, 15, Charming, but Insane & Girl, (nearly 16) and Absolute Torture. Listened to 'em both this week while conducting the morning wake up routine, which lessened the AM grumps quite considerably! :)
Also, a friendly reminder that we have a bi week on Teen Group this week (as in we won't meet @ our scheduled time) because we have that AWESOME book-making workshop coming up on Wed. May 14th. So, start sorting through those photos, poems, etc. now & prepare for some seriously creative scrapping! And, yes, the librarian will do likewise...Have a lovely weekend!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Mathematical Musings (Not!)

"As far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not certain, and as far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality." -- Albert Einstein
(Sharing this quote seemed fitting, since we so recently shared a fondness for quotes, Albert Einstein, and a "math-free" world...and, in case your curious, I found it here: http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/a/albert_einstein.html)
A Bottle in the Gaza Sea by Valerie Zenatti (sorry gals, but me first) :)
Boy Heaven by Laura Kasischke
** Comeback Season by Jennifer E. Smith
** Feathered by Laura Kasischke
The Fold by An Na
Hot Lunch by Alex Bradley
Last Dance at the Frosty Queen by Richard Allen (my vote for best title)
Leonardo's Shadow, Or My Astonishing Life as Leonardo da Vinci's Servant
by Christopher Peter Grey
** Lock and Key: A Novel by Sarah Dessen
My Life: The Musical by Maryrose Wood
** My Most Excellent Year: A Novel of Love, Mary Poppins, & Fenway Park
by Steve Kluger
** Out of Order by Robin H. Stevenson
** Patron Saint of Butterflies by Cecilia Galante
The ** means that they're going on holds, so get 'em while you can. You'll like, trust me!!! :)
Hope a certain geometry test would up being a-ok (which, no doubt, it did); and, as you've inpspired my latest quote quest, if you discover any doozie's, please post here.
Muchos Gracias!
doozy or doozie (slang): "something extraordinary or bizarre

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Friendly Reminder

Oh, what a wonderful, beauteous, and glorious day it is! So lovely, in fact, is it, that had you been at the park around noon, you might've seen an old lady playing on the swings. A little fresh air before work never hurt anyone! I'll actually be a bit disappointed if your sitting indoors reading this as I write--GET OUTSIDE!!! :)

You'll have a good hour to hang out indoors come Wed., when we have our next meeting. I don't know about you, but my neurons need a rest, so I'm thinking we should keep it mellow, maybe start listening to an audiobook together, and/or play a (relatively) brainless game. Of course, if you've got a better idea, I'm all ears. I suppose I could try & challenge myself too. :)

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

On with the challenge...

Well, I've had one response so far (& you know who you are--thank you by the way!) and learned that both lists and surprises are good. To that, I say, "Cool Beans!" Think participation & reading outside the box...I plan to give you the challenge you've asked for (but no worries, I promise not to make it too hard).

As for Carpe Diem--it took me a little while to get into & I found the characters somewhat annoying at first. BUT, don't let that deter you, for it did get better, & there was a nice "What???" moment that took me by surprise. Overall, it struck me as a great summer read.

Next up? 13 Reasons Why...And, it's about time! :)

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Challenge Me (To Challenge You)

"Carpe Diem" (or, "Seize the day!") -- of Latin origin, & according to our sometimes trusy buddy, Wikipedia, can be attributed to Quintus Horatius Flaccus, (December 8, 65 BC - November 27, 8 BC), known in the English-speaking world as Horace, was the leading Roman lyric poet during the time of Augustus.
Ok, & now that I've gotten my little need for trivia out of the way, we'll move on to a more important matter, which is this: In the next few weeks a certain library lady will be hard at work whipping up that requested challenge for this year's summer reading program. And, while I've got lots of ideas whirling about the noggin', it is your program--once my end of the deal is done, you'll be doing the bulk of the work, so...Any ideas? Are there any challenges your particularly wanting to take on? Or, like a lovely birthday present, would you prefer it to be a complete (& pleasant!) total surprise?
I'll also be embarking on a little Carpe Diem by Autumn Cornwell, one of our recent arrivals, which, by the way, has a pretty cool cover. :) I'll keep ya posted. And, if you're reading anything good these days, why, do share!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Summer Fun

Greetings & Salutations...

I'll start with the "bad" news first--we're not making books next Wed. during Teen Group.

BUT, fret not, for we're just taking a little extra time to stock up on necessary supplies & encourage y'all to invite your friends. So, the workshop's been rescheduled for May 14th.

AND, start stretching your gaming fingers & flexing those toes 'cuz starting in May, we'll be hosting a once a month Open Gaming Night for Teens (only!) not altogether unlike February's Love Bites Bash. I gonna get good (or moderately ok) @ Guitar Hero, yet! :)

I also have some interesting info. about the summer programming calendar that we've been hard at work on, so, don't forget to come next week, Wed. April 9th. Be there, or be square.

(If you're bored in the meantime, there are some Teen Group books that are starting to collect dust here...Feel free to stop in & snag one...) :)

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Teen Group Tomorrow!

Hello! My apologies for the extended silence from this end. I've had a busy spring break not working much. (I did, however, accompany my brother for the adoption of his new dog--then got to doggie-sit! Too fun (& talk about good exercise!).

Don't forget Teen Group tomorrow. Should be extra fun 'cuz unless I hear otherwise, we've got a special guest planned--an artsy one who will share a few creative how-to's.

(I'll also tell ya all about my new canine love, if you're interested!) :)

See ya then!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Let's make it a date

Since I won't see you guys before I talk to Kashmira, here are two dates I plan to run past her: May 14 and May 21 (both are Wed.). Got any big plans either evening that would prevent you from coming?

If we get a date set, I'll make cookies...How's that for enticement? :)

Sunday, March 16, 2008

authors, authors, everywhere... :)

"Let us read and let us dance--two amusements that will never do any harm to the world."-- Voltaire

Ok, here's the deal: I'll be chatting with author Kashmira Sheth later this week in order to discuss the likelihood of an upcoming visit. I need your honest-to-goodness thoughts on this (please?!).

The month of May appears best, wise. So, what do all you future famous writers out there think of this idea--a Q & A with Kashmira, where we have her discuss growing up in India & how she used her experiences to become an award-winning author, chat novels, etc.

(We could also get her take on Henna!). Also, considering the proximity to both Mother's Day & Father's Day, I'm open to us inviting any special parental units to join us--just for the day. :)


Friday, March 14, 2008

New Books & Writerly "Advice"

Recent arrivals, ordered with a certain A+ audience in mind...

Princess Mia by Meg Cabot
Skin Deep by E.M. Crane
The Opposite of Invisible by Liz Gallagher
Good Enough by Paula Yoo
You Know where to Find Me by Rachel Cohn
Final Warning: A Maximum Ride Novel by James Patterson
Reaching for Sun by Tracie Vaughn Zimmer

And, a few cool websites, for the writerly inclined...






Or, at any rate, it's a start, and, of course, I'll keep looking (& so should you!). In the meantime, I've still got a few copies of our next discussion books here--hint, hint! Note: I started listening to The Loud Silence of Francine Green yesterday & it ain' half bad. :)


Friday, March 7, 2008

Ordering Inquiries & Random Fun

It's no secret that you guys are fiction people, but still, I'd like to know--what's your take on non-fiction? Anyone a fan of true stories, or even poetry for that matter? Do you fancy memoirs, and if so, what kind? Oh, and if you're studying hard in school, are there any topics we folks at the library should have on hand that would be helpful to you? (Sorry for all the questions--we just really value your input!). BIG :)

And, since we're on the subject of learning, yet, alas, cannot travel, check out this cool website:


Once, I was here, and yes, Mona Lisa's eyes really do follow you. However, if you're a fan of Impressionism, this place is even more amazing. Personally, it's my fave...


Where would you like to go?

Don't forget Teen Group this Wed. same time, same place--and a special surprise. Also, Breaking Dawn is now in the system, so if you don't plan to purchase, put yourself on the hold list yesterday. It's fillin' up fast!

Monday, March 3, 2008

More titles, etc. for your reading pleasure...

I've got a pile of order cards in my hot little hands & I thought I'd give you ample time to prepare ...

"Avalon High: Coronoation, Vol. 1: The Merlin Prophecy" (a graphic novel by Meg Cabot)
"Kiss My Book" Jaime Michaels
"Leftovers" by Laura Weiss
"Ten Cent Dance" by Christine Fletcher (I call dibs!) :)
"The Red Necklace" by Sally Gardner
"Total Constant Order" by Crissa-Jean Chappell
"My Life as a Rhombus" by Varian Johnson
"Sweethearts" by Sara Zarr
"The Time Thief" by Linda Buckley-Archer
"Feathered" by Laura Kasischka
"Lock and Key" by Sarah Dessen
"A Little Friendly Advice" by Siobhan Vivian
"Brett McCarthy: Work in Progress" by Maria Padian
"I Conquer Britain" by Dyan Sheldon
"Exodus" by Julie Bertagna
"One Trick Pony" by Daniella Brodsky (dibs again!)

Also, Jay Asher's "Thirteen Reasons Why" on CD will soon be on its way.

However, for those of you who were wondering about the second Beka Cooper installment--not published til April 2009, so you'll have to remind me next year! :)

(Note: some will arrive sooner than others--depends on the publication date).

Saturday, March 1, 2008

New Teen Titles

Hi Guys! The library's hoppin' today, so this'll be quick, but I wanted to let you know that I haven't forgotten my promise to post recently ordered & soon to be ordered titles here in order to enhance your "first dibs" success :)

A couple to watch for:

I Heart You, You Haunt Me by Lisa Schroeder
Wake by Lisa McMann
Almost Fabulous byMichelle Radford
Kiss Me, Kill Me by Lauren Henderson
Hacking Harvard by Wasserman
Paraworld Zero by Matthew Peterson
The Other Book by Philip Womack
Primavera by Mary Jane Beaufraund

These are just a few that pop to mind. I'm in the process of filling out more cards (yay!) to I'll toss out a few more kernels next week. Til then, have a lovely weekend. I'm feelin' the spring fever kick in. You?!

Friday, February 22, 2008

Books to Movies (Twilight!)

Ok guys, I finally gritted my teeth & scoped out the Twilight movie info., and I have to say that I just don't think I can do it (watch it, that is). Sooo not what I imagined...Much prefer to leave it to thy imagination--and let the Breaking Dawn experience remain untainted.

(At least ow I'm starting to understand why you're so disgruntled with that whole Eragon thing!)

Also, please don't forget the Teen Group meeting this Wednesday--same time, same place. We've got a few odds & ends to discuss (think cool program...) but no worries, we'll definitely book-talk! :)

Friday, February 15, 2008

"Love Bytes" Bits (& more!)

Greetings All!

Just wanted to say thanks for coming to our (anti) Valentine's Day blow-out @ the library--and I hope that you had as grand of a time as I did. Never having dabbled much in the gaming world, I must confess--I could really get used to Wii bowling--the sheer bliss of one's own shoes!

(I wonder if I can convince my brother to buy one to go with his snazzy new big TV? Too fun!)But back to the program...It's just one of many upcoming fiestas for you gals & guys at the library, so keep me posted on what you'd like to do. (Don't suppose you'd be interested in more teen only game days???)

If you haven't yet picked up this month's book club picks, feel free to stop by the reference desk for a visit. You know we like to chat & we've got a few (lonely) yet-to-be-claimed copies.

Speaking of which, thanks to Lauren, we already have great upcoming read for March, which got me thinking...we should all take turns. It'd be a great way to learn about more wonderful books--not to make sure everything is fair and square.

Final word (for now): Remind me to pick your brains about the Kashmira Sheth author visit (& to show off her books). We librarian gals have a few ideas we'd like to run by the experts.

P.S. I finally visited Stephenie Meyer's website, and still, I can hardly believe it's true--looks like number 4 should be arriving in stores (and libraries!!!!) just in time for a certain librarian's birthday. Talk about a nicely timed present.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

"Love Bytes" Bash

Hi All,

I'm going to take a wild guess here, and predict that the majority of you are likewise snowed in. Strikes me as a good time then, to remind everyone that we'll be throwing a much deserved fiesta at the library next week in honor of our Anti-Valentine's Day stance.

We've got the Wii, Guitar Hero, and Dance Dance Revolution rearin' to go & plenty of junk food comin' right up, so don't be shy--dress the part (or, at least wear comfy shoes!).

And, remember, the more the merrier. All (teen) friends & neighbors are cordially invited!
Wed. February 13th
4:30-6:00 PM

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Suggested Bordem Busters

Ahh, what lovely weather we're having. Seems to be the case an awful lot this year. One could almost succumb to those winter blahs...

Almost, but not quite because we're smart & know to keep busy! Today's Recommendations?

  1. Check out http://kashmirasheth.typepad.com/ & you'll understand why I'm so stoked about Kashmira Sheth's (fingers crossed) potential visit.
  2. Now, since you're surfing, visit: http://www.teenreads.com/. One of my favorites, and since I'm feeling generous, thought I'd share. :) Also, I get a lot of ideas for new books here, so if you happen upon titles that intrigue you, don't keep those thoughts to yourself!
  3. Stop by the library and peruse the shelves. Maybe you'll find something that'll inspire a new hobby.
  4. Spend a little quality time with your sibling (board games can be fun!) Any personal faves? I wouldn't mind a few suggestions. :)
  5. Last, but not least, swing by the reference desk starting later next week & pick up a copy of our February pick for teen book club. Since we've got all month to read, I opted for 2. Read one, or read 'em both...

Magic or Madness by Justine Larbalestier

Spelldown: The Big-Time Dreams of a Small-Town Word Whiz by Karon Luddy

Sunday, January 27, 2008

"Better late than never..."

Umm, yeah, librarian come lately hasn't posted in a while. Sorry about that! Been a little side-tracked ording books & the like. I know, I know, poor me! In any event, feel free to keep an eye on those shelves for in-incoming, crisp new titles to read.

And, speaking of...

Last night, I hunkered down & devoured Sherman Alexie's "The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian..."

If you're not on the hold list for this one already, put yourself on it, like, yesterday!

Yes, it's really that good! :)

On an unrelated note...

When it comes to country music, I readily admit to being a complete illiterate. Seems to me, however, that I've heard at least some of you confess to being a fan. So, help me out here, please?! Which artists &/or bands should I be ordering in order to best beef up our CD selection? In other words, who's hot, and who's not? Any advice would be much appreciated.

Last, but not least, looking forward to a wow-zer book discussion this Wed (that'd be Jan. 30) same time, same place--and hopefully, tuning in for some sage advice on the subject of summer reading.