Friday, February 22, 2008

Books to Movies (Twilight!)

Ok guys, I finally gritted my teeth & scoped out the Twilight movie info., and I have to say that I just don't think I can do it (watch it, that is). Sooo not what I imagined...Much prefer to leave it to thy imagination--and let the Breaking Dawn experience remain untainted.

(At least ow I'm starting to understand why you're so disgruntled with that whole Eragon thing!)

Also, please don't forget the Teen Group meeting this Wednesday--same time, same place. We've got a few odds & ends to discuss (think cool program...) but no worries, we'll definitely book-talk! :)

Friday, February 15, 2008

"Love Bytes" Bits (& more!)

Greetings All!

Just wanted to say thanks for coming to our (anti) Valentine's Day blow-out @ the library--and I hope that you had as grand of a time as I did. Never having dabbled much in the gaming world, I must confess--I could really get used to Wii bowling--the sheer bliss of one's own shoes!

(I wonder if I can convince my brother to buy one to go with his snazzy new big TV? Too fun!)But back to the program...It's just one of many upcoming fiestas for you gals & guys at the library, so keep me posted on what you'd like to do. (Don't suppose you'd be interested in more teen only game days???)

If you haven't yet picked up this month's book club picks, feel free to stop by the reference desk for a visit. You know we like to chat & we've got a few (lonely) yet-to-be-claimed copies.

Speaking of which, thanks to Lauren, we already have great upcoming read for March, which got me thinking...we should all take turns. It'd be a great way to learn about more wonderful books--not to make sure everything is fair and square.

Final word (for now): Remind me to pick your brains about the Kashmira Sheth author visit (& to show off her books). We librarian gals have a few ideas we'd like to run by the experts.

P.S. I finally visited Stephenie Meyer's website, and still, I can hardly believe it's true--looks like number 4 should be arriving in stores (and libraries!!!!) just in time for a certain librarian's birthday. Talk about a nicely timed present.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

"Love Bytes" Bash

Hi All,

I'm going to take a wild guess here, and predict that the majority of you are likewise snowed in. Strikes me as a good time then, to remind everyone that we'll be throwing a much deserved fiesta at the library next week in honor of our Anti-Valentine's Day stance.

We've got the Wii, Guitar Hero, and Dance Dance Revolution rearin' to go & plenty of junk food comin' right up, so don't be shy--dress the part (or, at least wear comfy shoes!).

And, remember, the more the merrier. All (teen) friends & neighbors are cordially invited!
Wed. February 13th
4:30-6:00 PM

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Suggested Bordem Busters

Ahh, what lovely weather we're having. Seems to be the case an awful lot this year. One could almost succumb to those winter blahs...

Almost, but not quite because we're smart & know to keep busy! Today's Recommendations?

  1. Check out & you'll understand why I'm so stoked about Kashmira Sheth's (fingers crossed) potential visit.
  2. Now, since you're surfing, visit: One of my favorites, and since I'm feeling generous, thought I'd share. :) Also, I get a lot of ideas for new books here, so if you happen upon titles that intrigue you, don't keep those thoughts to yourself!
  3. Stop by the library and peruse the shelves. Maybe you'll find something that'll inspire a new hobby.
  4. Spend a little quality time with your sibling (board games can be fun!) Any personal faves? I wouldn't mind a few suggestions. :)
  5. Last, but not least, swing by the reference desk starting later next week & pick up a copy of our February pick for teen book club. Since we've got all month to read, I opted for 2. Read one, or read 'em both...

Magic or Madness by Justine Larbalestier

Spelldown: The Big-Time Dreams of a Small-Town Word Whiz by Karon Luddy