Friday, April 25, 2008

Mathematical Musings (Not!)

"As far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not certain, and as far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality." -- Albert Einstein
(Sharing this quote seemed fitting, since we so recently shared a fondness for quotes, Albert Einstein, and a "math-free" world...and, in case your curious, I found it here:
A Bottle in the Gaza Sea by Valerie Zenatti (sorry gals, but me first) :)
Boy Heaven by Laura Kasischke
** Comeback Season by Jennifer E. Smith
** Feathered by Laura Kasischke
The Fold by An Na
Hot Lunch by Alex Bradley
Last Dance at the Frosty Queen by Richard Allen (my vote for best title)
Leonardo's Shadow, Or My Astonishing Life as Leonardo da Vinci's Servant
by Christopher Peter Grey
** Lock and Key: A Novel by Sarah Dessen
My Life: The Musical by Maryrose Wood
** My Most Excellent Year: A Novel of Love, Mary Poppins, & Fenway Park
by Steve Kluger
** Out of Order by Robin H. Stevenson
** Patron Saint of Butterflies by Cecilia Galante
The ** means that they're going on holds, so get 'em while you can. You'll like, trust me!!! :)
Hope a certain geometry test would up being a-ok (which, no doubt, it did); and, as you've inpspired my latest quote quest, if you discover any doozie's, please post here.
Muchos Gracias!
doozy or doozie (slang): "something extraordinary or bizarre

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Friendly Reminder

Oh, what a wonderful, beauteous, and glorious day it is! So lovely, in fact, is it, that had you been at the park around noon, you might've seen an old lady playing on the swings. A little fresh air before work never hurt anyone! I'll actually be a bit disappointed if your sitting indoors reading this as I write--GET OUTSIDE!!! :)

You'll have a good hour to hang out indoors come Wed., when we have our next meeting. I don't know about you, but my neurons need a rest, so I'm thinking we should keep it mellow, maybe start listening to an audiobook together, and/or play a (relatively) brainless game. Of course, if you've got a better idea, I'm all ears. I suppose I could try & challenge myself too. :)

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

On with the challenge...

Well, I've had one response so far (& you know who you are--thank you by the way!) and learned that both lists and surprises are good. To that, I say, "Cool Beans!" Think participation & reading outside the box...I plan to give you the challenge you've asked for (but no worries, I promise not to make it too hard).

As for Carpe Diem--it took me a little while to get into & I found the characters somewhat annoying at first. BUT, don't let that deter you, for it did get better, & there was a nice "What???" moment that took me by surprise. Overall, it struck me as a great summer read.

Next up? 13 Reasons Why...And, it's about time! :)

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Challenge Me (To Challenge You)

"Carpe Diem" (or, "Seize the day!") -- of Latin origin, & according to our sometimes trusy buddy, Wikipedia, can be attributed to Quintus Horatius Flaccus, (December 8, 65 BC - November 27, 8 BC), known in the English-speaking world as Horace, was the leading Roman lyric poet during the time of Augustus.
Ok, & now that I've gotten my little need for trivia out of the way, we'll move on to a more important matter, which is this: In the next few weeks a certain library lady will be hard at work whipping up that requested challenge for this year's summer reading program. And, while I've got lots of ideas whirling about the noggin', it is your program--once my end of the deal is done, you'll be doing the bulk of the work, so...Any ideas? Are there any challenges your particularly wanting to take on? Or, like a lovely birthday present, would you prefer it to be a complete (& pleasant!) total surprise?
I'll also be embarking on a little Carpe Diem by Autumn Cornwell, one of our recent arrivals, which, by the way, has a pretty cool cover. :) I'll keep ya posted. And, if you're reading anything good these days, why, do share!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Summer Fun

Greetings & Salutations...

I'll start with the "bad" news first--we're not making books next Wed. during Teen Group.

BUT, fret not, for we're just taking a little extra time to stock up on necessary supplies & encourage y'all to invite your friends. So, the workshop's been rescheduled for May 14th.

AND, start stretching your gaming fingers & flexing those toes 'cuz starting in May, we'll be hosting a once a month Open Gaming Night for Teens (only!) not altogether unlike February's Love Bites Bash. I gonna get good (or moderately ok) @ Guitar Hero, yet! :)

I also have some interesting info. about the summer programming calendar that we've been hard at work on, so, don't forget to come next week, Wed. April 9th. Be there, or be square.

(If you're bored in the meantime, there are some Teen Group books that are starting to collect dust here...Feel free to stop in & snag one...) :)