Thursday, May 29, 2008

New Digs

Greetings all!
Just a quick FYI: At this very moment several librarians are hard at work starting the slow process of improving our Teen Space. Check it out next time you're in the 'hood!
(It already looks good!)

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Where Are You Guys?!?!

4:30-6:30 PM

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Post Script

And, speaking of...

We all know that Breaking Dawn arrives Saturday August 2nd, 2008, so...

Guess what we'll be doing Friday August 1st? Why, celebrating in high style, of course! Think pre-release bash, complete with a little gaming, a lot of competition (friendly, of course), prizes, and junk food galore. Better still? This teens only event (well, teens only, plus a couple of not so stodgy librarians) will take place from approximately 6-8 PM after everyone else has gotten the boot. Alas, it won't be dark, but it's still after hours, and we can always wear black. Hopefully, we'll also still be sporting some hot henna! (I think I want a scareb to match my ring!)

Was gonna mention the party to ya'll last week, but was so entranced by your bookmaking skills that I kinda forgot. Hope you all had as much fun creating as I had witnessing creation.

See ya next week (open gaming anyone?)

Breaking News! (Get it?)

"Go girl, seek happy nights to happy days." -- William Shakespeare
First, my apologies for such blogging infrequency. What can I say? Prepping for summer reading (& planning my own!!!) is fairly time consuming. My plan--to order tons of books for ya'all (and, admittedly me too). Unfortunately, I recently turned in a BIG pile of order cards, but totally spaced posting the titles for you. Oops, my bad. A few off the top of my head...
"Genius Squad" (sequel to "Evil Genius")
"Mercy on These Teenage Chimps" (a comedy, betcha could've guessed)
"Streams of Babel" (psychological thriller)
"Found" (sci fi / fantasy; time travel)
"Sunrise Over Fallujah" (war story by one of my fave writers)
"The Boy Who Dared" (fiction based on true holocaust events)
"Climbing the Stairs" (historical romance--ahh, love...)
"Down to the Bone" LGTB
"All I Know of Heaven" (best friend saga by local famous author!)
"Madapple" (murder, mayhem, & miracles--looks very, very intriguing)
"Cathy's Key" (sequel to Cathy's book)
"Fancy White Trash" (love story w/ a heroine named Abby!!! I call dibs!)
"Vampire Kisses"
...and lots, lots more, including a crop of vampiric lore to tide us over 'til Breaking Dawn...

Monday, May 12, 2008

Vampire Love

“There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle.

The other is as though everything is a miracle.”

— Albert Einstein

That Einstein was one cool dude! A Genius and a Humanitarian.
gen·ius (adj): extraordinary intellectual and creative power
hu·man·i·tar·i·an (n): One who is devoted to the promotion of human welfare and the advancement of social reforms; a philanthropist.
* * *
vam·pire: A reanimated corpse that is believed to rise from the grave at night to suck the blood of sleeping people. (Note: probably not to be confused with a humanitarian, and it definitely does not fit my vision of Edward!!!)

FYI: The red is to remind myself to remind you to remind me (How's that for a mouthful, and a rather ironic one at that?!) that I've got some Breaking news to share with ya'll on Wed., so don't neglect the book making celebration, you here? :)

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Guess What I Did Today...

"An artist has no home in Europe except in Paris."
-- Friedrich Nietzsche

After a little yoga accompanied by Chris Crutcher's Deadline playing away on my old-fashioned boombox (which is a rather intriguing book by the way) I gathered up photos & other various pieces of memorbilia from last year's Parisian trek. Why, you ask? Because this coming Wed. I'm finally going to get around to making that scrapbook, and I can't wait!!! So, just wanted to suggest that you find some cool stuff of your own & get creative with me when we've got a real, live artist @ our disposal! :) Oh, and try, try, try to bring a friend. It's gonna be too cool school, and we ought to be willing to spread the wealth.

Up next on my readerly agenda: Spanking Shakespeare (which I'm told shall truly tickle my funny bone. I'll keep ya posted. W

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Quick Hello & an FYI

"The road to knowledge begins with the turn of a page." -- Anonymous
This'll be quick since it's getting near time to close up shop, but I wanted to say thanks! For what, you ask? Well, for laughing like mad in the stacks, and turning me onto Sue Limb's Girl, 15, Charming, but Insane & Girl, (nearly 16) and Absolute Torture. Listened to 'em both this week while conducting the morning wake up routine, which lessened the AM grumps quite considerably! :)
Also, a friendly reminder that we have a bi week on Teen Group this week (as in we won't meet @ our scheduled time) because we have that AWESOME book-making workshop coming up on Wed. May 14th. So, start sorting through those photos, poems, etc. now & prepare for some seriously creative scrapping! And, yes, the librarian will do likewise...Have a lovely weekend!