Shadows of a thousand years rise again unseen,Voices whisper in the trees,
"Tonight is Halloween!" ~ Dexter Kozen
First, a howling thanks to you, those who came to this week's little 'ol Halloween Hoopla event.
It was fun!
And, yes, it's true, we do have Teen Group next week,
on Wed. Nov. 5th, from 4:45-5:45 in our usual digs (aka: storytime room) to be specific. :)
On the agenda:
(1) Teen sponsored holiday collection drive--we gonna do it?
Here's why I'm interested:
But, potential recipients abound, so...we'll chat!
(2) No talk of Twilight--can we do it? I'll bring a new book to recommend.
(3) Are we gonna be chicks with stix, knitting soon?
Wanna see something new...???