Friday, October 31, 2008

HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!! (among other things)

Shadows of a thousand years rise again unseen,Voices whisper in the trees,
"Tonight is Halloween!" ~ Dexter Kozen
First, a howling thanks to you, those who came to this week's little 'ol Halloween Hoopla event.
It was fun!
And, yes, it's true, we do have Teen Group next week,
on Wed. Nov. 5th, from 4:45-5:45 in our usual digs (aka: storytime room) to be specific. :)
On the agenda:
(1) Teen sponsored holiday collection drive--we gonna do it?
Here's why I'm interested:
But, potential recipients abound, so...we'll chat!
(2) No talk of Twilight--can we do it? I'll bring a new book to recommend.
(3) Are we gonna be chicks with stix, knitting soon?
Wanna see something new...???

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Reading...It Rocks!

"The eyes see only what the heart lets them."
-- from "Frannie in Pieces"

"Huh?" you ask?

Why, it's my favorite quote from this week's (reading) recommendation:
Frannie in Pieces by Delia Ephron.

To be honest, I wasn't eager to read it, being that the author is an adult chick-lit book/film writer, but...was curious about the quality of her first teen reads attempt. Didn't dig it at first, I think 'cuz the 15 yr. old narrator's way to mean to her mom...Then I remembered that yours' truly--who has the world's most wonderful mother--was one rotten apple way back when, & suddenly, I could empathize.

At any rate, it's a good girly read, one that includes a little romance, lots of drama, artistic intrigue, & a fascinating mystery that proves to be a bit of a puzzle...

Random related fact: Delia Ephron also wrote the screenplay for the
Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants movie, so if ya enjoyed that...

Note: I'll be hooking up withy my mom this weekend for a
Vegas (etc.) vacation &, I'll be giving her a BIG hug, first thing! :)

Thursday, October 2, 2008

A Vow To Do Better

"Action expresses priorities." -- Mohandas Gandhi

Ok, I admit it. I've been blowing off this here blog a bit (but I'm not the alone one-hint, hint!). So, with the exception of a brief time out during my upcoming vacation, I've decided on the best course of action: a weekly reading recommendation, brought to you by yours' truly--ME!

Today's pick?

How to Build a House by Dana Reinhardt,

a rather fine novel about family, friends, & forgiveness; gettin' out, & growing up; and, last, but not least, everyday teens who think outside the box, build a house (seriously!), & make a difference. Sounds wretchedly cliche, I know, & perhaps it is, but the story unfolds, it's hard not to simply sink into it.

Of additional note:


WED 10/08, 4:30-5:30 PM

I know we agreed to start meeting @ 4:45--which we will do after this one last 4:30 meeting

(it's been on the calendar as such for months, so...)

(No worries, we'll probably run late anyways!) :)