Monday, November 24, 2008

Just Had to Share

I'm actually home at the moment, curled up with a good book (ha, ha--you guys are in school!) and I just wanted to pass along a book pick-of-the-week, lest I forget later with all the Turkey Day Hoopla...

And the winner is: Impossible by Nancy Werlin.
'Bout 1/2 way through, & it's reminding me a lot of a Magic or Madness
for a slightly older crowd.
So, naturally, I thought it might appeal to u guys 2. :)
Also, Happy Thanksgiving in advance. & no worries, I'll feel bad about those birds for ya, and most definitely not eat them!!!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Hello, Anybody Out There?

So, our first knitting group was a tad on the small side, but nevertheless a simply smashing success! FYI: I expect to see the rest of you @ our next meeting on
Wed. Dec. 10th
(yes, DECEMBER!!! can you believe it???)
No meeting next week courtesy of turkey day (I'll feel sorry for them as the rest you u eat 'em), then after that, the little people take over for Crafty Kid fun.
HOWEVER, please note that a personal invitation has been extended specifically to Teen Group members who would like to volunteer--open "shifts" include
Tues 12/2, 3:30-5
Wed 12/3, 3:30-5
(your favorite teen librarian will be there!)
Thurs. 12/4, 2-4PM
We know you have class, so no show / no mad. :)
FYI: Haven't seen Twilight yet, so not a word people--not yet!

Friday, November 14, 2008

We Shall Be...

Cool Quote Alert:
" Knitting is very conducive to thought. It is nice to knit a while, put down the needles, write a while, then take up the sock again."
~ Dorothy Day
(turn of the century feminist, social activist, reformer, & journalist--
cool, eh?)
WED NOV. 19, 4:45-5:45
So, bring supplies if you've got 'em,
& I'll bring the books! :)
Reading Recommendation of the week:
Derby Girl by Shauna Cross
(which we were gonna read together a while back...!)
Anyhoos, it's great--totally tongue-in-cheek snarky,
the perfect anti-chick chick lit!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Gripe of the Day

It's getting like way too cold, way too fast!
And, in other more exciting news, you guys wanted a list of hot new books?!?
I worked hard on this ol' thing, so feel free to put it to good use!
(Note how it all begins with Love and Peaches)
I'll plan to update this once a month or so, then give ya the link when new goods are replaced with even newer goods!
Lookin' forward to learning to knit w/ a few fellow library chicks!