Tuesday, December 30, 2008

"Now, read this..."


If you're not on "The Hunger Games" hold list, get on the bus ASAP!!!

Finally picked it up last night after days of ignoring it as "homework,"

(Sorry Lynn!)

and read & read til my neck was good & cramped.
Sad to say, only a few pages to go...

Yep, it's that good.
P.S. Happy New Year!!!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

A Very Merry COLD XMAS to You...

"What if Christmas, he thought, doesn't come from a store.
What if Christmas, perhaps, means a little bit more?"
-- Dr. Seuss

Wherever art thou, teen bloggers (hint, hint),
I shall keep this short & sweet
(kind of like me! he, he)


And, my gift to you,
should you aim to get in touch w/ your inner child over break...

"I Wanna Be Your Shoebox" by Cristina Garcia--
a lovely speed read that'll make you wanna hug your grandpa
(& perhaps purchase a new pair of shoes!)
Other Advice? Read, eat,
& sleep lots,
then BLOG!
I expect recommended reads upon the New Year...

Friday, December 12, 2008

I can't sing a lick, but...

"Happy Birthday to You, Happy Birthday to You..."
Yep, unless I'm mistaken
(& it wouldn't be the first time)
Today is a certain sweet somone's
big 13
So, Happy Birthday, S.P. from all your library girls!!!
And, if you've got a minute between now & 1/31/09,
check this out:
& cast your vote for the best reads of the year. I'd like to, but...
alas, I'm too old! So, rate those teen reads for me! :) out:

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Book Love

Hey, gals (& guys?) I realized after the fact that while we were sharing
recent (GOOD) reads, I forgot to share mine:

"Torn to Pieces" by Margot McDonnell --
picked it up randomly one night, & couldn't put it down...
a great mystery w/ pretty goovy characters.
Me thinks y'all would like!

Another top pick (since I'm feeling generous) is a recent staff pick:
"Little Brother" by Cory Doctorow...
lots of action, nice tight plot, (& even a little romance) --
a sure hit with the mathematically minded. :)

FYI: I just put "Amazing Grace" on hold (ur right, we don't have it)
but if it's as good as you claim, perhaps I shall remedy that!

Last but not least: Thanks for coming yesterday --
Tons of fun to trash

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Twilight: the movie

Seen it yet? Thoughts?
I'll keep mine to myself 'til there's word from your end...
Don't forget Teen Group next week
(same time, same place)
Christmas Crafts & Treats!!!