Saturday, March 28, 2009

So Twisted

FYI: Librarians are cool!
(April Fools?! Maybe, Maybe Not)
You'll just have to come, & see for yourself
(Wed) APRIL 1, from
4:45-5:45 PM
@ our
Teen Knitting Circle
"Let's get Twisted!"
(Plus, I'll be bringing some new, top secret books...)

Friday, March 20, 2009

And to my fellow geek(s)

The librarian requests that a sweet fellow geek out there,
(who shall out of respect remain anonymous...)
**but U know who you are!**
Kindly return the following materials:
"Fat Hoochie Prom Queen"
"My Lost and Found Life" &
"Live and Let Shop"
And, might I suggest that you do so
this Wed. 3/25 @ 4:45 PM--
Just in time for TEEN GROUP!
I've got Twizzlers...

Hail to the Geek

"Whatcha readin', whatcha readin'?
Inquiring librarians want to know...

My current stash includes:

"Broken Soup" by Jenny Valentine
"Brutal" by Michael Harmon
(complete with a character named Velveeta!)
"Creepers" by Joanne Dahme
"The Forest of Hands and Teeth" by Carrie Ryan
"Jo-Jo and the Fiendish Lot" by Andrew Auseon
"Season of Ice" by Diane Les Becquets
(also authored "The Stones of Mourning Creek)
"The Spectacular Now" by Tim Thorpe
"Ten Cents a Dance" by Christine Fletcher
and I keep checking out more.
It's a compulsion.

Hence, I must also recommend,
"Word Nerd" by Susin Nielsen-Fernlund

Hail to the Geek!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Greetings & Salutations!

Sizzling hot read of the week:
"Marcelo in the Real World"
by Francisco Stork
(one I grabbed on accident & discovered to be
one happy, happenstance mistake! 4/5 stars!!
this WED 3/18
4:00-6:30 PM
FYI: Lots of new incoming Twilight wanna-be vampire tales...
Keep an "I" out, so we can compare...!