So simple, it ought to be illegal.
Thankfully, it's not!
However, in honor of the summer sun,
We're going anti-goth--think beach reads.
To help get ya started, I've whipped up a short list
(u can also p/u a hard copy @ the library)
So, without further ado...
Suggested Hot Reads:
Alegria, Malin. Sofi Mendoza’s Guide
to getting Lost in Mexico YA F Alegria
Anderson, Jodi Lynn. Peaches YA F And
Baptiste, Tracey. Angel’s Grace YA F Bap
Bradbury, Jennifer. Shift YA F Bradbury
**Brooks, Kevin. Black Rabbit Summer YA F Brooks
**Calame, Don. Swim the Fly YA F Calame
Coleman, Evelyn. Born in Sin YA F Col
De La Cruz, Melissa. Fresh off the boat YA F Del
DuPrau, Jeanne. Car Trouble YA F Dup
Evans, Michael R. 68 Knots: A Novel YA F Evans
Frankel, Valerie. Fringe Benefits YA pb F
Gehrman, Jody Elizabeth. Confessions of a
Triple Shot Betty YA F Gehrman
**Green, John. An Abundance of Katherines YA F Gre
Griffin, Adele. My Almost Epic Summer YA F Gri
Harper, Suzanne. The Juliet Club YA F Harper
**Hartinger, Brent. Project Suite Life YA F Hartinge
Herbsman, Cheryl. Breathing Beautiful YA F Herbsman
**Howell, Simmone. Everything . YA F Howell
Johnson, Maureen. Girl at Sea YA F Johnson
Kerr, M.E. Someone like Summer YA F Kerr
Kidd, Ronald. Monkey town: A summer of the
Scopes Trial YA F Kid
Komaiko, Leah. Malibu Carmie YA F Kom
Levithan, David. Are We There Yet? YA F Lev
Lopez, Jack. In the Break YA pb L
**Lubar, David. Dunk YA F Lub
Lynch, Chris. The Big Game of Everything YA F Lynch
Nelson, Blake. They came From Below YA F Nelson
Perkins, Mitali. Monsoon Summer YA F Per
Placide, Jaira. Fresh Girl YA F Pla
**Reinhardt, Dana. How To build a House YA F Reinhard
Runyun, Brent. Surface Tension:
A Novel in Four Summers YA F Runyun
Smith, Charles R. Chameleon YA F Smith
Stevenson, Robin H. A Thousand Shades of blue YA pb S
Trueman, Terry. Hurricane YA F Trueman
Uhlig, Richard A. Last Dance at the Frosty Queen YA F Uhlig
Vivian, Siobhan. Same Difference YA F Siobhan
**Yoo, David. Stop Me If You’ve Heard This One Before YA F Yoo
NOTE: ** means I've read it, & most definitely recommend it!
So, go ahead, read, review, & get friends to do it too(more book bloggers = more fun!)
FYI: Other worthy Reading Raffle reads may also be discussed. :)