Saturday, January 30, 2010

Super (Duper) Series Alert:

In the off chance u've, thus far,
remained sadly in the dark...
Me thinks u'll dig what
I've been gobbling up as of late:
Dream Girl and Dream Life by Lauren Mechling
(for fans of the Mediator, Spy Goddess, & Ally Carter series--
in other words, absolute pure cheese, but oh-so-fun!)
Oh.My. Gods and Goddess Bootcamp by Tera Lynn Childs
(for those who r intrigued by Greek Mythology & girls kicking butt!)
The Mark by Jen Nadol
(Book #1 w/ 2 more on the way some day)
(for fans of not-so-scary Sixth Sense type groove,
not so much, "I see dead people" as "I see soon-2-be-dead people")

Wii, Wii, Wii, All the Way Home!

'Tis that time of month, so please
("pretty please!")
Join me for some Teem Gaming Action

Wed. 2/3/2010
4:30-6 PM

complete w/ snacks & stuff!
Maybe we can even chat books...?
FYI: We finally ditched that falling apart old DDR
for a second Wii--so if u wanna bowl w/ me... :)

Friday, January 22, 2010

This Just In (Cool Beans!)

Winter blahs gotcha down?
Cozy up with one of these cool (beans) new reads!
A few hot recent arrivals:
All Unquiet Things -- Anna Jarzab
By the Time You Read This I'll be Dead -- Julie Anne Peters
The Lonely Hearts Club -- Elizabeth Eurlberg
(FYI: she's Stephenie Meyers' editor!)
Bleeding Violet -- Dia Reeves
The Good Girl's Guide to Getting Kidnapped -- Yxta Maya Murray
Hearts at Stake -- Alyxandra Harvey
The Mark -- Jen Nadol
Tangled -- Carolyn Mackler
The Dark Divine -- Bree Despain
Nevery Cry Werewolf -- Heather Davis
Very LeFreak -- Rachel Cohn
The Secret Year -- Jennifer R. Hubbard
Wanderlust -- Lucy Silag
Radiant Darkness -- Emily Whitman
Dawn -- Kevin Brooks
Incarceron -- Catherine Fisher
Sweet, Hereafter -- Angela Johnson
Less Dead -- April Lurie
The Long Way Home -- Andrew Klavan
Good Fortune -- Noni Carter
Plus many, many more...!
Happy Belated New Year!

Thursday, January 21, 2010


Yup, there's lots to talk about
on the BOOKS, MUSIC,
MOVIES (& more) front
as we kick off 2010...
So, let's do it!
Join us for this decades
Wed. 1/27, 4-5 PM

Dislaimer: Ok maybe it won't be super "extravagant,"
but it will be uber fun, so come 1, come all
for food, fun, and teen-centric topics galore!!!

Friday, January 8, 2010

2010 Teaser--and Crowd Pleaser!

A brief list of incoming noteables
(w/ many more to come...)

Keep your eyes peeled--and I'll keep you posted!

Finally! FINALLY!!!

Well, here we have it--(some) of my top picks for 2009!
And, the winners are...

No doubt u'll immediately notice the glaring
omission of Catching Fire...The al.,
but c'mon we know they rock!!!
These be a few that u might've missed,
but I guarantee u'll enjoy!
So...ENJOY! :)

Monday, January 4, 2010

Baby, it's COLD outside!

Sorry, just had to get that outta my system!
Also, an FYI:
(1/6/2010) @ 4:30 PM
Sure wud be cool to see u this decade!!! :)

And, no I haven't forgotten -- those '09 faves are still 2 come!
I've opted to abandon the obvious
(Catching Fire...The Awakening...Like duh, huh?)
& go for broke, so...must think carefully...SOON...Scouts honor!