Saturday, April 24, 2010


LAST Teen Gaming
(or Event of ANY kind for that matter!)
'til Summer!
THIS Wed. 4/28/10
4:30-6:00 PM
U should COME --
if for no other reason than to
regale me with tales o' prom
& for a final scope out of those
new books me been holding captive.
'Tis near time for release...
(And, speaking of newbies, The Line by Teri Hall was pretty darn awesome!)

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Hot New SPPL Teen Reads Just 4 YOU!

As Promised
(and, better late than never)

Click HERE 2 Rock your World:

**P.S. Have fun @ Prom -- can't wait to hear the scoop!**

Monday, April 12, 2010

Teen Talks (so anyone listening???)

Greetings to the Abyss...
just an FYI:
Wed. 4/14 @ 4 PM
**Last 1 'til fall, so come one, come all
'cuz ya owe me some books. And...
if I'm feeling nice, I might even bring chocolate.**

Monday, April 5, 2010

Did U Hear...?

My initial reaction is, of course, good grief!
However, the library, of course,
will happily house a couple o' copies.
And, yes, Twilight: The Graphic Novel
is now available to cure what ails ya
(or be what ails ya?!?).
As for New Moon movie version --
finally watched it & found it rather bland.
And, yes, of course, I'll catch Eclipse this summer.
What's a girl to do?
In other summery news:
I'll post incoming vacation-esque reads soon!
(Or, soonish, I promise!)