Saturday, December 1, 2007

TAG Agenda & More

"Reading is a discount ticket to anywhere." -- Mary Schmich

I just have to ask, where are you guys? Are you still experiencing problems? Hmm...It seems that we may have to tinker around with this a bit. In any event, I thought I'd let you know that I've selected two titles for our next book circle discussion. A little library bird told me that The New Policeman by Kate Thompson is a pretty primo read (for fantasy lovers) so that's option nbr. 1. The second, The Blooding, by Patricia Windsor has more of a gothic/horror twist. There are several copies on their way in from other libraries, and starting later this week, you can stop by the reference desk to check out your pick. Oh, and FYI--you'll have to stop by circulation to do an in person check out with staff (just tell 'em it's for book club & they'll know what to do!).
Also, I've tagged a few dates for upcoming TAG meetings (get it? he, he). Here's the tentative plan: 12/19 at 3:45; 1/16 at 4:30; 1/30 at 4:30, 2/13 at 4:30. and 2/27 at 4:30. Let me know if there's any conflict.
And, last, but not least, let's really start thinking about teen programming events. 'Tis better to brainstorm together than to leave we librarians to our own devices, no? :)
Have a great day, stay warm, and stay HOME if you can. Weather's looking mighty ugly out there. How does that old saying go, "In like a lion, out like a lamb?" Whatever the case, winter has most definitely arrived. Great time to curl up with a good book or catch a flick.
Check this out: (movie opens 12/7/07)

1 comment:

library lady said...

testing, testing, 1 2 3 just checking to see if there's some sort of trick to this commenting thing.