Friday, January 22, 2010

This Just In (Cool Beans!)

Winter blahs gotcha down?
Cozy up with one of these cool (beans) new reads!
A few hot recent arrivals:
All Unquiet Things -- Anna Jarzab
By the Time You Read This I'll be Dead -- Julie Anne Peters
The Lonely Hearts Club -- Elizabeth Eurlberg
(FYI: she's Stephenie Meyers' editor!)
Bleeding Violet -- Dia Reeves
The Good Girl's Guide to Getting Kidnapped -- Yxta Maya Murray
Hearts at Stake -- Alyxandra Harvey
The Mark -- Jen Nadol
Tangled -- Carolyn Mackler
The Dark Divine -- Bree Despain
Nevery Cry Werewolf -- Heather Davis
Very LeFreak -- Rachel Cohn
The Secret Year -- Jennifer R. Hubbard
Wanderlust -- Lucy Silag
Radiant Darkness -- Emily Whitman
Dawn -- Kevin Brooks
Incarceron -- Catherine Fisher
Sweet, Hereafter -- Angela Johnson
Less Dead -- April Lurie
The Long Way Home -- Andrew Klavan
Good Fortune -- Noni Carter
Plus many, many more...!
Happy Belated New Year!


aqtbenz said...

about seven of those are already on my to read list! they look amazing! cya wednesday!!

Oh and can you add the followers thing to the blog? that way I can check for updates from my blogger homepage :)

library lady said...

Oops, my bad--a little late in the game. However, I'd love to see ya this Wed too!!! I'll bring "All Unquiet Things..." No bribery there! I'm almost done, & I think you'll like it. Plus, you can tell me how to add that follwers thing! :)