Thursday, April 3, 2008

Summer Fun

Greetings & Salutations...

I'll start with the "bad" news first--we're not making books next Wed. during Teen Group.

BUT, fret not, for we're just taking a little extra time to stock up on necessary supplies & encourage y'all to invite your friends. So, the workshop's been rescheduled for May 14th.

AND, start stretching your gaming fingers & flexing those toes 'cuz starting in May, we'll be hosting a once a month Open Gaming Night for Teens (only!) not altogether unlike February's Love Bites Bash. I gonna get good (or moderately ok) @ Guitar Hero, yet! :)

I also have some interesting info. about the summer programming calendar that we've been hard at work on, so, don't forget to come next week, Wed. April 9th. Be there, or be square.

(If you're bored in the meantime, there are some Teen Group books that are starting to collect dust here...Feel free to stop in & snag one...) :)


Anonymous said...

wait, u mean the 9? cuz the 12 is a saturday....

the game night sounds really fun!!!

library lady said...

Oops! You're absolutely right! My bad! :) We are meeting on Wed. April 9th, and I've corrected the blog. Thanks for catching that. And, FYI: I'll try to figure out something moderately crafty for us to do to compensate for making you wait on the bookmaking. :)